Friday 2 November 2012

General Estimate of Dryden's Essay

Name:Gohil Hetalba C
Paper: 3 Literary Theory and Criticism
M.A 2   Sem 1
Roll: 5
                      Topic: General Estimate of Dryden's Essay

Submitted To,
Dr Dilip Barad
Dept of English
Mk Bhavnagar University

General Estimate of Dryden’s Essay 

   The Essay is written in the form of a dialogue concerned to four gentlemen: Eugenius, Crites, Lisideius and Neander. Neander seems to speak for Dryden himself. Eugenius takes the side of the modern English dramatists. Crites defends the ancient. Lesideius defends the French playwrights and attacks the English tendency to mix genres. 

Dryden's definition of drama 

  Dryden's definition of drama really covers a wide range. According to him, drama is a just and lively image of human nature, representing its passions and humours, and the changes of fortune to which it is subject, for the delight and instruction of mankind. He insists on the words 'Just' and 'lively' image of human nature. In support of the words, it must be admitted that material of all topics is drawn from a society. The society is made of mankind or living things, and without them, society is nothing. Dryden implies word 'Image' as an imitation or appearance of human nature must be just. Just means exact or as it is. It means an exact copy of reality. Dryden is different; he does not like only the slavish or exact copy of reality, but it must be lively. John Dryden gives value to labour. If one reveals it as rough as it was, it must be a rough work with a trivial value. If it is represented lively, the work would be lively, and the poet would be valued. John Dryden gives primary importance to delight, and the secondary to instruction. The function of poetry is delight, and to instruct is the function of prose. 

The Ancients versus Modern Playwrights 

      Dryden in his essay, An Essay on Dramatic Poesy, justified the Moderns. The case for the ‘Ancients’ is presented by Crites.He makes us see the achievement of the Ancients and the gratitude of the Moderns to them. The superiority of the Ancients is established by the very fact that the Moderns simply imitate them, and build on the foundations laid by them. The Ancient drama is superior because the Ancients closely observed Nature and faithfully represented her in their work Crites makes special mention of the Unities, of Time, Place, and Action. The Ancients followed these rules and the effect is satisfying and pleasing. 

   Eugenius favors the Moderns and said that moderns have not blindly imitated them. Had they done so, they would have lost the old perfection, and would not achieve any new excellences. Even the Ancients’ observance of the three unities is not perfect. The Ancient critics, like Horace and Aristotle, did not make mention of the Unity of Place. Their plays do not perform one of the functions of drama, which of giving delight as well as instruction. There is no poetic justice in their plays. Ancient themes are equally defective. The proper end of Tragedy is to arouse “admiration and concernment (pity)”. But their themes are lust, cruelty, murder, and bloodshed, which instead of arousing admiration and pity arouse “horror and terror”. 

Lisideius’s view in favour of the Superiority of the French Drama over the English Drama 

    Lisideius speaks in favour of the French. He agrees with Eugenius that in the last generation the English drama was superior. The French do not burden the play with a fat plot. They represent a story which will be one complete action, and everything which is unnecessary is carefully excluded. But the English burden their plays with actions and incidents which have no logical and natural connection with the main action so much so that English play is a mere compilation. Hence the French plays are better written than the English ones. Based on the definition of the play, Neander suggests that English playwrights are best at "the lively imitation of nature" Further; he suggests that English plays are more entertaining and instructive because they offer an element of surprise that the Ancients and the French do not. 

Mixture of Tragedy and Comedy 

    Dryden is more considerate in his attitude towards the mingling of the tragic and the comic elements and emotions in the plays. Mirth does not destroy compassion and thus the serious effect which tragedy aims at is not disturbed by mingling of tragic and comic. Just as the eye can pass from an unpleasant object to a pleasant one, so also the soul can move from the tragic to the comic. And it can do so much more swiftly. 

Rhymed Verse versus Blank Verse Controversy 

    Crites’s attack on Rhyme occurs towards the end of the Essay, Rhyme is unnatural in a play, for a play is in dialogues, and no man without premeditation speaks in rhyme. Drama is a ‘just’ representation of Nature, and rhyme is unnatural, for nobody in Nature expresses himself in rhyme. It is artificial and the art is too apparent, while true art consists in hiding art. Tragedy is a serious play representing nature exalted to its highest pitch; rhyme being the noblest kind of verse is suited to it, and not to comedy. 


In short, John Dryden in his essay, An Essay on Dramatic Poesy, gives an account of the Neo-classical theory and discusses all the topics in the essay.

Psychological changes in the character of Gulliver

Name:Gohil Hetalba C
Paper: 2  The Neo-Classical Age
M.A 2  Sem 1
Roll: 5
Topic: "Psychological changes in the character of Gulliver"
Submitted To,
Dr Dilip Barad
Dept of English
Mk Bhavnagar University

Psychological changes in the character of Gulliver

In Lilliput
          Gulliver's possesses moral superiority to the petty and tiny Lilliputians, who show themselves to be a petty, cruel, vengeful, and self-serving race. Morally and politically, Gulliver is their superior.
In Brobdingnag
          In Brobdingnag (Book II), Gulliver is still an ordinary moral man, but the Brobdingnagians are moral giant men. Certainly they are not perfect, but their moral superiority is as great to Gulliver as is their physical size. In his loyalty to England, we see that Gulliver is, indeed, a very proud man and one who accepts the madness and malice of British politics and society as the natural and normal standard. For the first time, we see Gulliver as the hypocrite — he lies to the Brobdingnagian king in order to conceal what is despicable about his native England.

In Houyhnhnms
          In Book IV, Gulliver represents the middle ground between pure reason (as embodied by the Houyhnhnms) and pure animalism (as embodied by the depraved Yahoos), yet Gulliver's pride refuses to allow him to recognize the Yahoo aspects in himself. Therefore, he identifies himself with the Houyhnhnms and, in fact, tries to become one. But the horses are alien to Gulliver; yet Gulliver thinks of the Yahoos as alien and animal. Separating himself from his naturally depraved cousins, the Yahoos, Gulliver also separates himself from the European Yahoos. He is near to madness — because of pride. Gulliver has "reasoned" himself into rejecting his species and his nature: Gulliver is virtually a madman.

          This aspiration to become a horse exposes Gulliver's grave weakness. Gullible and proud, he becomes such a devotee of reason that he cannot accept his fellow humans who are less than totally reasonable. He cannot recognize virtue and charity when they exist. Captain Pedro de Mendez rescues Gulliver and takes him back to Europe, but Gulliver despises him because Mendez doesn't look like a horse. Likewise, when he reaches home, Gulliver hates his family because they look and smell like Yahoos. . His attitudes when he arrives in London make him a source of derision, for Gulliver seeks to change his basic nature by thinking; reason becomes the sole guide of his life.He is still capable of seeing objects and surfaces accurately, but he is incapable of grasping true depths of meaning.

          Gulliver, usually quite sane, is misled when we leave him, but he is like most people. Even dullards, occasionally, become obsessed by something or other for a while before lapsing back into their quiet, workaday selves. Eventually, we can imagine that Gulliver will recover and be his former unexciting, gullible self.

Dialectic of Argumentation in Paradise Lost

Name:Gohil Hetalba C
Paper: 1 The Renaissance Literature
M.A 2   Sem 1
Roll: 5
Topic: Dialectic of Argumentation in Paradise Lost

Submitted To,
Dr Dilip Barad
Dept of English
Mk Bhavnagar University

Dialectic of Argumentation in Paradise Lost
     In the paradise lost, we find use of rhetoric by different character especially Satan’s argument are very suggestive when he question to god. Even the argumentativeness dialogue of Eve also suggest the feminine inequality at that time.Satan having compassed the earth with meditated guile returns as a mist by night into paradise enters into the serpent sleeping. Adam and eve in the morning go forth to their labours which eve proposes to divide in several places, each labouring apart. Adam consents not, alleging the danger and eve urges to go apart to check her strength. Adam at last yields

Argument between Adam and eve
      Adam insist eve should be close to him and they should work together where as eve wants to live an independent life. she wants to live independent without Adam’s supervision.

“Thou where choice/leads thee or where most needs/while I”
“But to delight/he made us and delight to reason joyn’d/for solitude sometimes is best societies.”
     Their existence is for the sake of delight and therefore they should not be worried about the duty assign .Adam tries to pursued Eve not part from him. There is threat to their lives from the enemy in the form of Satan .he is likely to attack and take advantage of their separation.

“And what is faith, love, virtue unassaid/alone, without exterior help sustained? Let us not then suspect our happy state/left so imperfect by the maker wise,/as not secure to single or combin’ alone/fraile is our happiness.”

    Eve sticks to her decision and remarks that unless her capacity is tasted. it is not capacity if she would not allow herself to move away and prove her strength. If she try and then she tasted .her strength cn be  proved only where it put to taste.

Argument between Satan and eve
    Satan is waiting for opportunity to attack. He knows well that Adam and eve together cannot be deceived but eve alone can be his victim. So he approached secretly toward eve

“Fairest resemblance of thy maker faire/thee all things living gaze on”
     He uses oil tongue .he tries to eve that he had eaten the apples and obtains the power to speak. Eve is extremely delighted and having glance at the tree. On seeing the tree Eve immediately realizes that it is a tree of knowledge whose fruit is forbidden.

“but of this tree we may not taste nor touch god so commanded/our reason is our low !ye shall not eat”

      Satan uses his logic and flatters her by using the following expression.

“queen of this universe, do not believe .those rigid threats of death ye shall not die
    He cites his example saying that he is alive though he ate the fruit .and she argues that good unknown is us is sure not bad and bay not eating the fruit god forbids us to be good and wise and such limitations cannot bind us. But after death bind us with after-hands then what profit of the freedom inward?

“Forbids us to be good .forbids us to be wise!
Superior or inferior, who is free?
      She wants to be equal to Adam but she also argues that after all who is free? Even Adam is superior to her .he is not freedom choice to eat the fruit


    We find best example that how to argue and how to counter argue through the example of argument between Adam and Eve and Eve and Satan.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Problems and strategies

Name:Gohil Hetalba C 

Paper: 5 Translation Study 

M.A 2 SEM 1 

Roll: 5 

Topic: Problems and strategies 

Submitted To, 

Dr Dilip Barad 

Dept of English 

Mk Bhavnagar University 


Problems and Strategies

    Translation is the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language (ST) and production in another language of an equivalent text (TT).Translation open a pathway to literature written in alien language. Translation is a bridge that makes the journey into never territories of alien literary-scope possible.

Translation is inherently a difficult activity can face additional problems which make the process even more difficult. There are many problems with the source text like

1) Changes made to the text during the translation process

2) Incomplete text

3) Misspelled or misprinted text

4) Illegible or difficult to read text

5) Poorly written text

6) Missing references in the text

7) Obvious inaccuracies in the ST

* Language Problems

1) Dialectic terms and neologisms

2) Unexplained acronyms and abbreviations

3) Obscure jargon

4) Obscure idioms

5) Slang

6) Stylistic differences

For example,

When describing an accident, English speakers often assign an agent who carries out the action (“Julia broke the glass”). On the other hand, in Spanish and Japanese, speakers would likely say “the glass broke.”

7) Difference in punctuation convention

"me tumhare drawing room me nahi hu
to kya?
Aur bahut kuch hai tumhare drawing room me./"

So what,

If I am not in your drawing (living) room.

There are lots of things

In your drawing room.

Here, we can clearly see differences in punctuation marks.


*Rhymes, Puns and Poetics meters

વીતેલી પળોને ફરી માણવાને વસંતોને નાહક વગોવ્યા કરું છું
બરફના પહાડો સમી જિંદગીમાં
સ્વયં ઓગળું છું ને ચાલ્યા કરું છું
ભર્યુંભાદર્યું ઘર ને હું તો અજાણ્યો
અજબ છે તમાશો: નિહાળ્યા કરું છુ

(In remembrance of past I am blaming spring without intention)

(Life is like snowy-mountain and I am melting myself and walking just like)

(In my own house full of own people I am feeling lonely and observing it like stranger)

* Highly specific cultural references

* Humors

A K Singh opinion

“Translation is a cross cultural event and the translator has to format his translation theories to translate the source text into the target culture”



While attempting translation, a translator comes across a number of words that are untranstable in the target language .If such words do not carry much important in the ST and if TT can retain the same message then it is better to omit

2) Substitution

When exact equivalent word is not available in the TT the translator may opt for the word nearest in meaning to the word of the ST

3) Retention and addition

In the absence of the exact equivalent in the TL such words can be retain as they are and translator may offer an explanation in the footnote or gloss them.

A K SIGHS opinions that

“He (TRANSLATOR) has to be an extremely creative person with keen senses honed up so that he can use these procedures judiciously and make up for the operational loss”


It is better to have a pool of translator and language experts as no individual except a few gifted one can be a complete translator.

Sri Aurobindo's views on Rebuilding of Nation

Name: Gohil Hetalba C

Paper: 4 Indian Writing in English

M.A 2 SEM 1

Roll: 5

Topic: "Sri Aurobindo's views on Rebuilding of Nation "

Submitted To,

Dr Dilip Barad

Dept of English

Mk Bhavnagar University


Kshatriya Spirit
The Kshatriya of old must again take his rightful position in our social polity to discharge the first and foremost duty of defending its interests. The brain is impotent without the right arm of strength.
          What India needs especially at this moment is the aggressive virtues, the spirit of soaring idealism, bold creation, fearless resistance, courageous attack; of the passive tamasic spirit of inertia we have already too much. We need to cultivate another training and temperament, another habit of mind
 Individually, that is yoga; And how do we cultivate that other training and temperament? We can cultivate it on the individual or on the collective level. it means opening ourselves to a wider consciousness and a greater power; it means allowing them to fashion anew our hardly human nature.
Our call is to young India. It is the young who must be the builders of the new world—not those who accept the competitive individualism, the capitalism or the materialistic communism of the West as India's future ideal, not those who are enslaved to old religious formulas and cannot believe in the acceptance and transformation of life by the spirit, but all who are free in mind and heart to accept a completer truth and labor for a greater ideal.
                         “IF AGE BUT COULD
                  AND IF YOUTH  BUT  KNEW”

 Mingling of Past and Present
 It is education by which starting with the past and making full use of the present builds up a great nation. Whoever wishes to cut off the nation from its past is no friend of our national growth. Whoever fails to take advantage of the present is losing us the battle of life. We must therefore save for India that entire she has stored up of knowledge, character and noble thought in her immemorial past. We must acquire for her the best knowledge that Europe can give her and assimilate it to her own peculiar type of national temperament. We must introduce the best methods of teaching humanity has developed, whether modern or ancient. And all these we must harmonies into a system which will be impregnated with the spirit of self-reliance so as to build up men and not machines.
A German or French or English child will be taught something of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, because they are regarded as the root of European culture.But Indian epics, a hundred times richer and vaster in human experience, a thousand times more present in the Indian consciousness, will not be taught to an Indian child. Not to speak of other important texts such as the beautiful Tamil epics, Shilappadikaram and Manimekhalai. Even the Panchatantra and countless other highly educational collections of Indian stories—even folk stories—are ruled out.
The result is that young Indians are increasingly deprived from their rightful heritage, cut off from their deeper roots.
 It would be a tragic irony of fate if India were to throw away her spiritual heritage at the very moment when in the rest of the world there is more and more a turning towards her for spiritual help and a saving Light. No doubt we will win through, but we must not disguise from ourselves the fact that after these long years of subjection and its cramping and impairing effects a great inner as well as outer liberation and change, a vast inner and outer progress is needed if we are to fulfil India's true destiny.
          Indeed the harmony of the ancient culture was built up both of spirituality, philosophy, science, art and intellectual creation .It was never one-sided one as her western rulers wrongly supposed.