Friday 25 November 2011

Variuos Themes in The Waste Land.

Paper no:E-C- 301-The Modernist Literature.
Topic: Variuos Themes in The Waste Land.
Name: Gohil Hetalba
Roll No :5
Submitted To:
Dr.Dilip Barad
Department of English
Bhavnagar University

About Poet
             Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in 1888 in st.Louis.He was the son of a prominent industrialist who came from well-connected Boston family. Though, Eliot had alead written “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and the war ‘which kept him in England, led him to decide to pursue poetry full time.
            Eliot finished the work that was to secure him fame, The Waste Land. This poem heavily edited by pound and perhaps also by Eliot’s wife ‘Vivien addressed the fragmentation and alienation characteristic of modern culture, making use of these fragments to create a new kind of poetry. He was so monumental that younger poets often went out of their way to avoid his looming shadow, painstakingly avoiding all similarities of style.

Life in Death and Death in life
     In this poem, the poet want to say that, men have lost knowledge of good and evil in the modern era. It keeps them from being alive and is the justification for viewing the modern waste land as a kingdom in which the inhabitants do not even exist.
     Cleanthes brooks in “The Wasteland: critique of the Myth “Said that the device life n death and death in life is favorite of Eliot ‘s and the poem “The Waste Land” is built on a major contrast .The contrast is between two kinds of life and two kinds of death. Life devoid of meaning is death and sacrifice, even the sacrificial death, may be life-giving also an awakening to life .The poem occupies itself to a great extent with this paradox and with a number of variations upon it.
     Eliot in his essay “Baudelaire “says that “I think Baudelaire has perceived that what distinguish the relations has man woman from the copulation of beasts is the knowledge of God and Evil like moral Good and Evil and which are not natural Good and bad or puritan right Wrong. So far as we are human, what we do must be either evil or good and so far as we do evil and good we are human and in paradoxical way that to do evil that is to do nothing.
The theme is stated in the quotation which is the preface of the poem.
“Nam sibylllam queen kumis ego ipse oculist me
Did in ampoule pendere, etfor cum illi pueri dicerent
Sibylla ti theis; respondebat illa: apothanein thelo”
     This epigraph comes from the satyricon satire of Petronius. In English ,it reads’ saw with my own eyes the sibyl at Cumae hanging in a jar and when the boys said to her ,sibly’what do you want? She replied that I want to die”
    Her statement has several interpretation .for one meaning is that who are inhabit the waste land saying .But she may be saying what in “Tha journey of the Magi says “-----this birth was hard and bitter agony for us ,like death, our death----I should be glad of another death.
     This is life in death and death in life suggest that a life of complete inactive, listlessness and apathy. That is why winter is welcoming them and Aprils the cruelest month because it stirring reminding them wake up, them dislikes to be roused from death in life.
Like in the very beginning of part-1, the lines like this...
“April is the cruelest month, breading
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding’’
     Cleanth Brooks want to say that after World War 1, the majority of people felt that despair, desolationand despondency were the only honest response to their chaotic post –war universe.

The Changing Nature of Gender Roles
      Over the course of Eliot’s life, gender roles and sexuality became increasingly flexible, and Eliot reflected those changes in his work.
 In the poem,   The Waste Land, The poet portrays rape, prostitution, a conversation about abortion, and other incidences of nonreproductive sexuality. Nevertheless, the poem’s central character, Tiresias, is a hermaphrodite—and his powers of prophesy and transformations are, in some sense, due to his male and female genitalia. With Tiresias, Eliot creates a character that embodies wholeness, represented by the two genders coming together in one body.

   Two of the poem’s sections -- “The Burial of the Dead” and “Death by Water” --refer specifically to this theme. What complicates matters is that death can mean life; in other words, by dying, a being can pave the way for new lives. Eliot asks his friend Stetson: “That corpse you planted last year in your garden, / Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year?” Similarly, Christ, by “dying,” redeemed humanity and thereby gave new life. The ambiguous passage between life and death finds an echo in the frequent allusions to Dante, particularly in the Limbo-like vision of the men flowing across London Bridge and through the modern city.
    The Christ images in the poem, along with the many other religious metaphors, posit rebirth and resurrection as central themes. The Waste Land lies fallow and the Fisher King is impotent; what is needed is a new beginning. Water, for one, can bring about that rebirth, but it can also destroy. What the poet must finally turn to is Heaven, in the climactic exchange with the skies: “Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.” Eliot’s vision is essentially of a world that is neither dying nor living; to break the spell, a profound change, perhaps an ineffable one, is required. Hence the prevalence of Grail imagery in the poem; that holy chalice can restore life and wipe the slate clean; likewise, Eliot refers frequently to baptisms and to rivers – both “life-givers,” in either spiritual or physical ways.
    The Seasons
        "The Waste Land" opens with an invocation of April, “the cruelest month.” That spring be depicted as cruel is a curious choice on Eliot’s part, but as a paradox it informs the rest of the poem to a great degree. What brings life brings also death; the seasons fluctuate, spinning from one state to another, but, like history, they maintain some sort of stasis; not everything changes. In the end, Eliot’s “waste land” is almost seasonless: devoid of rain, of propagation, of real change. The world hangs in a perpetual limbo, waiting the dawn of a new season.
     Perhaps the most famous episode in "The Waste Land" involves a female typist’s liaison with a “carbuncular” man. Eliot depicts the scene as something akin to a rape. This chance sexual encounter carries with it mythological baggage – the violated Philomela, the blind Tiresias who lived for a time as a woman. Sexuality runs through "The Waste Land," taking center stage as a cause of calamity in “The Fire Sermon.” Nonetheless, Eliot defends “a moment’s surrender” as a part of existence in “What the Thunder Said.” Lust may be a sin, and sex may be too easy and too rampant in Eliot’s London, but action is still preferable to inaction. What is needed is sex that produces life, that rejuvenates, that restores – sex, in other words, that is not “sterile.”

    The references to Tristan and Isolde in “The Burial of the Dead,” to Cleopatra in “A Game of Chess,” and to the story of Tereus and Philomela suggest that love, in "The Waste Land," is often destructive. Tristan and Cleopatra die, while Tereus rapes Philomela, and even the love for the hyacinth girl leads the poet to see and know “nothing." 

Thursday 24 November 2011

“Satan and Saraswati: The Double Face of English in India”

Paper no:E-C- 304 ELT-1
Topic: “Satan and Saraswati: The Double Face of English in India”
Name: Gohil Hetalba
Roll No :5
Submitted To:
Mr. Devarshi Mehta
Department of English
Bhavnagar University

God or Evil: The two face of English in India.
           “In India, there is bilingualism; monolialism situation occurred after freedom of india.With the growth of any language, it is also harmful and useful too. We adopted English as a global language ,pan-Indian language but how far its role is concord it plays double role in the life of the people .At the same part of India ,English has increased though many social and political problem.”
             After the independence, British people left India butt they left the footprint in India means there language. Because America and Europe is at of the world so English is also became at the center because the language f power and pride. Due to this value, English is become prominent element in the life of people, but it also creates many prolem.Most of the people wanted to put their child into the English medium school though they even ready for sacrifice many things. It is became status symbol and also a trend.
             It generates many problems because we are very cultural conscious people so when a child adopted any new language and he or she also adopted the culture of that language .It that time, it creates a problem. So there culture and are culture is different from them. The English medium students behavior in a such a way that we do not accept in our conscious society .Even slime dweller prefer to send their children to English medium school (Rajshiree1986) .Even poor people also wants to put their child into a English medium but at that time in the school there are high society .s children .Poor student feels inferior to them because their parents could not provide them such valuable things. At that time, children go on a wrong way and it also creates a problem in a society.
             English is also like a god for those people who wanted to go outside of the india.They know the value of the English very well .In the interstate also is Valuable because when we go to the outside, English became our language. We have to communicate in English because they  don’t know  our mother tongue .At that time we values English and it helps the people to link  with so English is a link language.
           That was also perceived that India will have same natural advantages in world politics and in the economics because we have adopted English as an official language .Most of research in science and technology was done in English .There was awesome fear that our mother language e cannot fail the knowledge gape. The increased international mobility and possibilities of higher education dreaded, which gave new and handsome retests to the already advantaged, underscored the importance of English education.
           English was projected as the neutral language with no regional or ethical base in the country. But English as language of foreigner. So we have to change our attitude towards the English.Governmment also realize that the poor people was not escaped from this opportunities but that think that it is within their reach because I t is connected with the foreigner’s culture and it would give them access to wealth, power and statue as it did to the higher caste earlier caste .Thus the perception of power stage of the society and minorities strangely coincided about the usefulness of English for their own our poses.
          Before independence, freedom fighter hate the language of Satan but now the           people considered the English as a boon of saravati and praised the English’s hale the descriptive of policies that the  continuance of English is accepted as an alternative medium in all the major dominance but when it generates problem of not having  competence  teachers of English lowering the standard of English .The  increase demand for English decrease like a mushroom but it is very low quqlity.As in our India ,, the classes are to o crowded because of the population .So the teacher can’t interact with each student. So in the practice there is growing preference for English particularly in the domain of education, where significantly, people can exercise their choice when there are alternatives.
        Laws were enacted making the Indian language as a language of administrative but the language of higher education remained English. Again there is difference between the course of the practice and in the practice. But if laws said that official language. Act mentioned above allowed that the proceedings in the supreme court may be in Hindi and in the high courts may be in the state official language but the judgments, decree and order must be accompanied by an authorized translation in English .Thus ,the legislative and judicial document in the union and in the state are bilingual in English and an Indian language with   equal legal authority.
        Those  who enjoyed the advantaged of English, who were  also in position  of power ,did not want to way slowly  there  base and argued that English being the second language to be formally learnt by all is equally disadvantages  to  everyone .Knowledge is  your power so the English as s language is also your  power and pride and  English as a second language also creates problem because  we mix up two language. So they neither speak their first language means Guajarati ann. nor do they speak English properly. Language is also your  power and pride and  English as a second language also creates problem because  we mix up two language. So they neither speak their first language means Guajarati ann. nor do they speak English properly.
         English is taught as s language for instrumental value in school and college .English medium is prestigious and is in great demand. At that time policy is unenthusiastic because there is strong resistant citing argument of academic mobility of teachers and students and also availability of text and reference material and lack of development of Indian  language .Particular lily the technical terms and employments and research opportunities for  students in India and abroad. There is kind of double face with English for writing and speaking. Similarly the teacher in an English medium class using the English textbook and explain the points in Indian language

                                                 Learn English, Live English

Plagiarism and Academic integrity

Paper no.: E-C- 302- Research Methodology
Topic: Plagiarism and Academic integrity

Name: Gohil Hetalba

Roll No: 5
Class: M.A, Sem-1
Submitted To:
Dr.Dilip Barad
Department of English
Bhavnagar University

Plagiarism and Academic integrity
      Now days, we have probably read or heard about charges of plagiarism in dispute in the publishing and recording industries. We may also have had classroom discussion about student plagiarism in particular and academic dishonesty in general. Many schools and colleges have developed guidelines or other means to promote academic integrity are also common.
Definition of Plagiarism
 The word plagiarism derived from the Latin word plagiarism (kidnapper) and to plagiarize means “to commit literary theft” and to “present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source”. Plagiarism involves two kinds of wrongs.
1_) Using another person’s idea or information or expression without acknowledges that person’s work constitutes intellectual theft.
2_) Passing off another person’s idea, information or expression as yours own to get better grade or gain some other advantages constitutes fraud.
Plagiarism is sometimes a moral and ethical offense than a legal one since some instances of plagiarism fall outside the scope of copyright infringement, a legal offense.
Consequences of Plagiarism
A complex society that is based on well-informed citizens strives to maintain high standard of quality and reliability for document that are publicly  circulated and used in government ,businesss,industry,the professions, higher education and the media. The responsible writers compose their work with great care because research has the power to affect opinion and actions. The research writer has to specify when they refer to another author‘s idea, facts and the words. Whether they want to agree with, object to, or analyze writes do and it also tends to discourage the circulation of error and by this inviting readers to determine for themselves whether a reference to anther text present a reasonable account of what that text says.
The charges of plagiarism are a serious one for all writes. Plagiarist is often seen as imcompetent, incapable of developing and expressing their own thought or worse, dishonest and willing to do deceive other for personal gain.
When any student exposed as s plagiarists, he or she may suffer firm severe penalties and may be fail in the assignment or they may be expulsion from school. This type of plagiarism does not harm to student’s career and it also damages teacher’s relationship with the student. Student’s plagiarism also becomes matter of significance to the public, when it undermining institutional standards for assigning grades and awarding degrees. It also happens that when graduate’s skills and knowledge fail to match their grades at that time an institution‘s reputation is damaged. At that time, the student’s and institution ,both of the reputation is damaged.Finally,student’s who plagiarize harm thenslfes.They lose an important opportunity to learn how to write a research paper and knowing how to collect and analyze information reshape it in essay form is  essential to academic success.
Information Sharing Today.
Now days, lot of material is available on the website .We get all the material through the internet, the main purpose of research material and they have influenced the culture of the internet, where the free exchange of information is an ideal. In the sea of material, the students can’t diffrenaciate between author’s works or any person’s work but the professional writer, however, has no doubt about the matter. They recognize the importance of documentation whether their research is based on print or electronic their sources and to mark the passages they quote.
As information sharing has become easier and it also influence about buying research paper on the campus or in the internet. They believe that if they buy a paper, it belong to them .But you are never free the obligation to let your reads knows the sources of the ideas, facts, words or sentences you borrow. Publication are special kind of property .You can own them physically but the publisher or author retain to the content.
Unintentional Plagiarism.
The main aim if a research paper is to synthesize previous research and scholarship with your ideas on the subject You should feel free to use other person’s words, facts and thought in your research paper but the materiel presented in your research paper it must be in your word. You remember that you must document everything that you borrow.
Student does the plagiarism at their school level and college level without realization that  they doing something wrong .Plagiarism sometimes happens when researcher forgotten to record of their reading and when they returned to their  notes, they have forgotten whether their summaries and paragraphs contains quoted material that is poorly marked or unmarked. If you cite any source, you must take a note-taking in substantional research projects especially for beginning student. It is best way to avoid plagiarism.
Another kind of plagiarism happened when any student tries to write a research paper in a second language. In an effort to avoid grammatical error, they may copy the structure of an author’s sentences.
Forms of plagiarism
The most shameful form of plagiarism is that you obtain and submit other author‘s research paper as it your own. Other type of plagiarism is done when one is failure to give the right information about the acknowledgement .When repeating or paraphrasing apt phrase and when paraphrasing another’s argument or presenting another‘s lines of thinking. There are three kinds of plagiarism,
1_) Repeating or Paraphrasing Wording.
2_) Taking a Particularly Apt Phrase.
3_) Paraphrasing an Argument or Presenting a Line of thinking.
When documentation is not needed.
1_) Reusing a research paper
2_) Research on Human Subjects
3_) Copyright Infringement.

Boundaries and Barriers in Frost’s Poem

Paper no: E-C- 303- American Literature
Topic: Boundaries and Barriers in Frost’s Poem
Name: Gohil Hetalba

Roll No: 5
Class: M.A, Sem-1
Submitted To:
Dr.Dilip Barad
Department of English
Bhavnagar University

Robert Lee Frost was born in March 26, 1874 and died in January 29, 1963 .Hews an American poet. He is highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech.[1] His work frequently employed settings from rural life in New England in the early twentieth century, using them to examine complex social and philosophical themes. A popular and often-quoted poet, Frost was honored frequently during his lifetime, receiving four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry
     Frost continued to write, but he was unsuccessful at publishing his work. In England, frost achieved his first literary success. This book of poems a boy’s WILL was printed by first English publisher that frost approached. The work established frost as an author and was representative of his lifelong poetic style.
      Frost’s poetry reflect how people interact with their environment and through he saw the beauty of nature, he also saw its potential dangers.
      Frost’s 1923 volume New Hampshire earned him the first of four Pulitzer Prize that he would win over the next 20 years .He then wrote two plays in blank verse. The first “A MASQUE OF REASON” and his next two collection “A FURTHER RANGE” “A WITNESS TREE”
Boundaries and Barrier’s in Frost’s Poetry.


 Robert frost has written on every subject in his work but alienation and isolation, both emotion and physical are major themes of  his poetry .He was a great poet of boundaries and barriers which divide men from men and come in the way of communication and as a result in  lack of solitaries who are lonely and isolated from other man ,but frost pictures mime as also alone and solitary in an impersonal and unfeeling environment.
There are Five Kinds of barriers and Boundaries.
1) Natural barrier.
2) Man and Natural World.
3) Otherness of Nature.
4) Isolation from God.
1) Natural Barrier:-
                 First, there is the great natural barrier the void space which separates man from the stars. Man foolishly tries to bridge this gap but all his afford in this respect are no more. By these efforts, he feels his own littleness. As he tells us in the “lessons for to-day “the contemplation of the ghost height of the sky has a belittling effect on man and  is overwhelmed by terrifying sense of his own solitariness in this universe.
            In  the poem entitle stars, the poet tells us how man gets attracted by nature only to be disillusioned do not lend any glory or state to the gazer. Rather, they produce a note of disenchantment.
      In another poem, we find how clever human plans to establish relationship with nature are thwarted. The protagonist of the star –splitter, purchases a telescope with the insurance money that he gets by burning his house down. He gazes at the stars but can not escape the question that raises its ugly head towards the end.
Nature’s Wilderness
     Secondly, there are the barrier, between man and the immediate natural world, the barren and desert places. Which man must conquer, reclaim and cuilivate.He must constantly wages a war against such wilderness, if he is to survive in an environment which seems hostile to him, which at least, is not meant for him and in which he is an alien.
      There are those who accept challenge and go down in defeat. The evidence of such failure. The woman in A SERVANT to servants has in caring for the house while the men are away and the emptiness of the world has overcome her. There is other on the border line of tragic failure. The hill wife, though not out of her mind, still has a fear of her to return to it .When she comes back, she has to reconquer it.
       Courage is needed to reclaim at home .The preacher in the long poem snow insists on going into the heart of the  blizzard when he  could remain overnight with  no inconvenience to them or himself .But he must go and conquer the blizzard.
The Otherness of Nature
      There is no harmony between man and nature but the nature is not on good terms with the humanbeings.Man’s physical existence itself is a barren which divides man from the soul on spirit of barriers between man and nature. Frost believes that a wide gulf separates man and nature, spirit and matter. In the number of poems, he stresses the “OTHERNESS” and indifference to expect any sympathy from   the spirit of soul which moves or governs the world.
 Individual man and the forces of nature are two different principle and the boundaries which separates them must be respected. These boundaries are insisted upon.In”TWO LOOK AT TWO”, the man and the woman do feel that there is an affinity between themselves and the buck and the doe done that stare back at them. But such moments are rare .In the poem “The Mending Wall”, he discusses that there is the man-made fences of “BAREBD WIRE BINDING “which separates human nature from deer nature.
Emotional and Social Isolation
     There are barriers which separate man from man. Such barriers come in the way of social communication and lack of communication leads to social alienation and emotional isolation and loneliness

Isolation from God. 
     Man’s reason and intellect is barrier that has alienated him from god, his own maker. There is a lack belief and that is the is the reason is enemy of belief.

      Frost believes in “vasudev kutumbkum”-freedom of will but not without giving due respect to others freedom so he said “fences makes good neighbors”


Paper no: E-E 305- C- Post Colonial  Literature

Topic: Orientalism

Name: Gohil Hetalba

Roll No: 5

Class: M.A, Sem-1

Submitted To:

Dr.Dilip Barad

Department of English

Bhavnagar University






About Author

                 Edward said was born in 1935, 1 November and died in 25 September. He was a Palestinian American literary theorist and advocate for palestailian rights. He was university professor of English and comparative literature of Columbus University and abounding figure in postcolsnialism Robert frisk desired him as the Palestinians                                 

                   He was best known for his books” Oriantalism       “which was published in 1978.said were an influential cultural critic and author. The book orientation placed him as an international author. the book presented the idea of author that how western study the eastern culture said contended that orients scholarship was continue to inextricalsly tied to the imperialist societies that produced it making much of the work inherently politicized, servile to power and there for suspect sad’s oriental’s and following works proved influential in literature theory and criticism and continue to influence in several other fields in humanities. Said come to discuss and vigorously debate the issue of orients with scholars in the field of history and area studies. Many of them disagreed with his thesis including most famously beanery Lewis said tries to point out that how western looks towards the east. In his most famous book orients, said claim a “subtle and persistent content prejudice against arbor people and their culture


What is Orientalism?

The author tries to define orients in many ways.

 1_) Orients are a way of coming terms with the orient that is based on the orient’s special place in European western experience

2_) Orients is an academic one. Anyone who teaches writes about or researches the orient and this applies whether the person is an anthropologist sociologist and historian or philologist general aspect is an orients and what he or she does in orients.

3_) Orients is a western style for dominating, restructuring and having authority over orient

4_) Orients is a style of thought based upon an anthological and epistemological destination made between the orient and occident

5_) A way of coming to terms with the orient that is based on the orient’s special place in European western experience.

6_) A distribution of geo political awareness into aesthetic scholarly, economic, sociological, historical and philological texts.


Chapter -1

1_)The scope of orients draws a large circle around all the demonisms of the subject both in terms of historical and experience and in terms of philosophical and political themes.

Chapter -2

2_)Oriental’s structures and re-structures  attempts to trace the development of modern orients by a broadly chronological description and also by the description of a set of devices common to the work of important poets ,artists and scholars.


3_)”Orientisms Now “begins where its producers left off at around 1870.this are the period of areal expansion into the orient and it culminates in world war 2.the very last section of chapter three characterizes the shift from British and French to American hegemony.


The Scope of orientalism?

       The orient is integral part of European material, civilization and culture. Said says that oriental’s means interdependent. The European culture gained in strength and identify by setting itself off against the orient as assort of surrogate and even underground itself. As vice’s great observation that “orient” and “occident” are manmade. As much as west itself, the orient is an idea that has a history and a tradition of thought imagery and vocabulary that have given it reality and presence in and for the west, east was only a career for westerner .The relationship of power, of dominating of varying degree of a complex hegemony. The title “Asia and Western Dominance “of K.M .Panikar also suggest this.

        European uses oriental’s to define themselves .Seaward said says that euro pea divide the world into two parts.

 1 East-West

2 Orient-Occident

3 Uncivilized-Civilized.

     The European tries to prove themselves s superior compared to orient .They think that it was their duty to civilize the uncivilized one.Orientalism was written to show European-American power over the orient and mystification of the others. It is occident which control oriental.

     The power is not one way .It is a two way process. Like in India, British were ruled over India because we love them. They gave the words like “Bombay “means boom-good and bay –without any problem ship come and the word is “Palusi” that becomes “Palusi”. The west thought that east needed colonial .The oriental were incapable of running their own government .The European thought that they had the right to represent the orient in the west. In doing so, they shaped the Orientals, the way they perceived them or in other words they try to oriental sing the orient.

      Due to this thinking, various teams have been sent to the east where the orient lists silently observed the Orientals by living with them. They generalized everything with their perceptive and context no matter if it is the irrational action of an individual .Like in our indie, oriental’s come indoor and observed our culture and they looked it with their perceptive.

     Another feature of oriental was that the culture of the Orientals was explained to the European audience by linking them to the western culture

For example, Islam was made into Mohammad’s because Mohammad was the founder of this religion and since religion of Christ was called Christianity. Thus Islam should be called Mohammad’s... The point to be noted here is that no Muslim was aware of this terminology and this was a completely western created term, and to which the Muslims had no say at all


     The most important use of oriental to the Europeans was that they defined themselves by defining the Orientals. For example, qualities such as lazy, irrational, uncivilized, crudeness were related to the Orientals, and automatically the Europeans became active, rational, civilized, sophisticated. Thus, in order to achieve this goal, it was very necessary for the orient lists to generalize the culture of the orients.

 Orientals is never far from what Denys Hay has called the idea of European.

Orientalism Structures and Restructures

,      Edward Said points the slight change in the attitude of the Europeans towards the Orientals. The Orientals were really publicized in the European world especially through their literary work .The orients were presented to with the color of the oriental’s or other writers perception Actually it was this purity of the Orientals that made them inferior to the clever, witty, diplomatic, far-sighted European; thus it was their right to rule and study such an innocent race. The Europeans said that these people were too naive to deal with the cruel world, and that they needed the European fatherly role to the Europeans gave assist them.

      The Europeans gave   justification that they were meant to rule the Orientals. Since they have developed sooner than the Orientals as a nation that shows that they were biologically superior and second thing is that the Europeans who discovered the orients not the orients who discovered the Europeans. Edward then also explains how the two most renowned orient lists of the 19th century, namely Silvestre de Saucy and Ernest Renan worked and gives rise to new oriental’s. He says that Sacy organized the whole thing by arranging the information in such a way that it was also useful for the future oriental. Renan believed that the science of oriental’s and the science of philology have a very important relation  and after Renan this idea was given a lot attention and many future orient lists worked of in its line.

Orientalism now.

    There was a changing circumstance of the world politics and changing approach to oriental’s in the 20thcentury. The earlier orient lists did not interact a lot with the orients, whereas the new orients lived with them as if they were one of them. This wasn’t out of appreciation of their lifestyle but was to know more about the orients in order to rule them properly.

For example: Lawrence of Arabia was one of such orienatlists.

    Oriental’s took a more liberal stance towards most of its subjects; but Islamic oriental did not enjoy this status. There were constant attacks to show Islam as a weak religion, and a mixture of many religions and thoughts. Gibb was the most famous Islamic oriental of this time.

     After World War 1 the centre of oriental’s changed from Europe to USA. All the orient lists studied the Orientals to assist their government to come up with policies for dealing with the orient countries. With the end of World War 2, all the Europeans colonies were lost; and it was believed that there were no more Orientals and occidents, but this was surely not really. Western prejudice towards eastern countries was still tries to generalize most of the eastern countries of it.

 For example: Arabs were often represented as cruel and violent people. Where as the Muslims were always considered to be terrorists. This show that even with increasing globalization and awareness, such bias was found in the people of the developed countries.


   Edward Said concludes his book by saying that he is not saying that the orient lists should not make generalization, or they should include the orient perspective too, but creating a boundary at the first place is something which should not be done.

 “I urge everyone to join in and leave the field of values, definition and culture uncontested