Thursday 24 November 2011

Plagiarism and Academic integrity

Paper no.: E-C- 302- Research Methodology
Topic: Plagiarism and Academic integrity

Name: Gohil Hetalba

Roll No: 5
Class: M.A, Sem-1
Submitted To:
Dr.Dilip Barad
Department of English
Bhavnagar University

Plagiarism and Academic integrity
      Now days, we have probably read or heard about charges of plagiarism in dispute in the publishing and recording industries. We may also have had classroom discussion about student plagiarism in particular and academic dishonesty in general. Many schools and colleges have developed guidelines or other means to promote academic integrity are also common.
Definition of Plagiarism
 The word plagiarism derived from the Latin word plagiarism (kidnapper) and to plagiarize means “to commit literary theft” and to “present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source”. Plagiarism involves two kinds of wrongs.
1_) Using another person’s idea or information or expression without acknowledges that person’s work constitutes intellectual theft.
2_) Passing off another person’s idea, information or expression as yours own to get better grade or gain some other advantages constitutes fraud.
Plagiarism is sometimes a moral and ethical offense than a legal one since some instances of plagiarism fall outside the scope of copyright infringement, a legal offense.
Consequences of Plagiarism
A complex society that is based on well-informed citizens strives to maintain high standard of quality and reliability for document that are publicly  circulated and used in government ,businesss,industry,the professions, higher education and the media. The responsible writers compose their work with great care because research has the power to affect opinion and actions. The research writer has to specify when they refer to another author‘s idea, facts and the words. Whether they want to agree with, object to, or analyze writes do and it also tends to discourage the circulation of error and by this inviting readers to determine for themselves whether a reference to anther text present a reasonable account of what that text says.
The charges of plagiarism are a serious one for all writes. Plagiarist is often seen as imcompetent, incapable of developing and expressing their own thought or worse, dishonest and willing to do deceive other for personal gain.
When any student exposed as s plagiarists, he or she may suffer firm severe penalties and may be fail in the assignment or they may be expulsion from school. This type of plagiarism does not harm to student’s career and it also damages teacher’s relationship with the student. Student’s plagiarism also becomes matter of significance to the public, when it undermining institutional standards for assigning grades and awarding degrees. It also happens that when graduate’s skills and knowledge fail to match their grades at that time an institution‘s reputation is damaged. At that time, the student’s and institution ,both of the reputation is damaged.Finally,student’s who plagiarize harm thenslfes.They lose an important opportunity to learn how to write a research paper and knowing how to collect and analyze information reshape it in essay form is  essential to academic success.
Information Sharing Today.
Now days, lot of material is available on the website .We get all the material through the internet, the main purpose of research material and they have influenced the culture of the internet, where the free exchange of information is an ideal. In the sea of material, the students can’t diffrenaciate between author’s works or any person’s work but the professional writer, however, has no doubt about the matter. They recognize the importance of documentation whether their research is based on print or electronic their sources and to mark the passages they quote.
As information sharing has become easier and it also influence about buying research paper on the campus or in the internet. They believe that if they buy a paper, it belong to them .But you are never free the obligation to let your reads knows the sources of the ideas, facts, words or sentences you borrow. Publication are special kind of property .You can own them physically but the publisher or author retain to the content.
Unintentional Plagiarism.
The main aim if a research paper is to synthesize previous research and scholarship with your ideas on the subject You should feel free to use other person’s words, facts and thought in your research paper but the materiel presented in your research paper it must be in your word. You remember that you must document everything that you borrow.
Student does the plagiarism at their school level and college level without realization that  they doing something wrong .Plagiarism sometimes happens when researcher forgotten to record of their reading and when they returned to their  notes, they have forgotten whether their summaries and paragraphs contains quoted material that is poorly marked or unmarked. If you cite any source, you must take a note-taking in substantional research projects especially for beginning student. It is best way to avoid plagiarism.
Another kind of plagiarism happened when any student tries to write a research paper in a second language. In an effort to avoid grammatical error, they may copy the structure of an author’s sentences.
Forms of plagiarism
The most shameful form of plagiarism is that you obtain and submit other author‘s research paper as it your own. Other type of plagiarism is done when one is failure to give the right information about the acknowledgement .When repeating or paraphrasing apt phrase and when paraphrasing another’s argument or presenting another‘s lines of thinking. There are three kinds of plagiarism,
1_) Repeating or Paraphrasing Wording.
2_) Taking a Particularly Apt Phrase.
3_) Paraphrasing an Argument or Presenting a Line of thinking.
When documentation is not needed.
1_) Reusing a research paper
2_) Research on Human Subjects
3_) Copyright Infringement.

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