Thursday 24 November 2011

“Satan and Saraswati: The Double Face of English in India”

Paper no:E-C- 304 ELT-1
Topic: “Satan and Saraswati: The Double Face of English in India”
Name: Gohil Hetalba
Roll No :5
Submitted To:
Mr. Devarshi Mehta
Department of English
Bhavnagar University

God or Evil: The two face of English in India.
           “In India, there is bilingualism; monolialism situation occurred after freedom of india.With the growth of any language, it is also harmful and useful too. We adopted English as a global language ,pan-Indian language but how far its role is concord it plays double role in the life of the people .At the same part of India ,English has increased though many social and political problem.”
             After the independence, British people left India butt they left the footprint in India means there language. Because America and Europe is at of the world so English is also became at the center because the language f power and pride. Due to this value, English is become prominent element in the life of people, but it also creates many prolem.Most of the people wanted to put their child into the English medium school though they even ready for sacrifice many things. It is became status symbol and also a trend.
             It generates many problems because we are very cultural conscious people so when a child adopted any new language and he or she also adopted the culture of that language .It that time, it creates a problem. So there culture and are culture is different from them. The English medium students behavior in a such a way that we do not accept in our conscious society .Even slime dweller prefer to send their children to English medium school (Rajshiree1986) .Even poor people also wants to put their child into a English medium but at that time in the school there are high society .s children .Poor student feels inferior to them because their parents could not provide them such valuable things. At that time, children go on a wrong way and it also creates a problem in a society.
             English is also like a god for those people who wanted to go outside of the india.They know the value of the English very well .In the interstate also is Valuable because when we go to the outside, English became our language. We have to communicate in English because they  don’t know  our mother tongue .At that time we values English and it helps the people to link  with so English is a link language.
           That was also perceived that India will have same natural advantages in world politics and in the economics because we have adopted English as an official language .Most of research in science and technology was done in English .There was awesome fear that our mother language e cannot fail the knowledge gape. The increased international mobility and possibilities of higher education dreaded, which gave new and handsome retests to the already advantaged, underscored the importance of English education.
           English was projected as the neutral language with no regional or ethical base in the country. But English as language of foreigner. So we have to change our attitude towards the English.Governmment also realize that the poor people was not escaped from this opportunities but that think that it is within their reach because I t is connected with the foreigner’s culture and it would give them access to wealth, power and statue as it did to the higher caste earlier caste .Thus the perception of power stage of the society and minorities strangely coincided about the usefulness of English for their own our poses.
          Before independence, freedom fighter hate the language of Satan but now the           people considered the English as a boon of saravati and praised the English’s hale the descriptive of policies that the  continuance of English is accepted as an alternative medium in all the major dominance but when it generates problem of not having  competence  teachers of English lowering the standard of English .The  increase demand for English decrease like a mushroom but it is very low quqlity.As in our India ,, the classes are to o crowded because of the population .So the teacher can’t interact with each student. So in the practice there is growing preference for English particularly in the domain of education, where significantly, people can exercise their choice when there are alternatives.
        Laws were enacted making the Indian language as a language of administrative but the language of higher education remained English. Again there is difference between the course of the practice and in the practice. But if laws said that official language. Act mentioned above allowed that the proceedings in the supreme court may be in Hindi and in the high courts may be in the state official language but the judgments, decree and order must be accompanied by an authorized translation in English .Thus ,the legislative and judicial document in the union and in the state are bilingual in English and an Indian language with   equal legal authority.
        Those  who enjoyed the advantaged of English, who were  also in position  of power ,did not want to way slowly  there  base and argued that English being the second language to be formally learnt by all is equally disadvantages  to  everyone .Knowledge is  your power so the English as s language is also your  power and pride and  English as a second language also creates problem because  we mix up two language. So they neither speak their first language means Guajarati ann. nor do they speak English properly. Language is also your  power and pride and  English as a second language also creates problem because  we mix up two language. So they neither speak their first language means Guajarati ann. nor do they speak English properly.
         English is taught as s language for instrumental value in school and college .English medium is prestigious and is in great demand. At that time policy is unenthusiastic because there is strong resistant citing argument of academic mobility of teachers and students and also availability of text and reference material and lack of development of Indian  language .Particular lily the technical terms and employments and research opportunities for  students in India and abroad. There is kind of double face with English for writing and speaking. Similarly the teacher in an English medium class using the English textbook and explain the points in Indian language

                                                 Learn English, Live English

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