Friday 6 April 2012

Culture Studies and its Four Goals

Paper no:E-E- 205
Topic: Culture Studies and its Four Goals 
Name: Gohil Hetalba
Roll No :5

Submitted To:
Dr.Dilip Barad
Department of English
Bhavnagar University


  The word “culture” itself it so difficult to pin down, “cultural studies” is hard to define. Cultural studies “is not so much a discrete approach at all, but rather a set of practices. As Patrick brantinger has pointed out, culturalstudies in not ‘a tightly coherent, unified movement with a fixed agenda.”But a loosely coherent group of tendencies, issues, and question.” 

“Cultural studies transcends the confine of a particular discipline such as literary criticism or history.
  “practiced in such journal as critical inquiry , representations, and boundary 2 , cultural studies involves scrutinizing the cultural phenomenon of a text – for example Italian opera, a Latino telenovela, the architectural styles of prisons, body piercing and drawing conclusion about the change in textual phenomena over time.
    Cultural studies are not necessarily about literature in the traditional sense or even about “art”. In their introduction to cultural studies , editors Lawrence grossberg,cary nelson , and Paula trencher emphasize that the intellectual promise of cultural studies lies in the attempts to “ cut across diverse social and political interests and address many of the struggles within the current scene.”

- Intellectual works are not limited by their own “borders” as single texts, historical problems or disciplines , and the critic’s own personal connections to what is being analyzed Amy also be described.

- Hendy Giroux and others write in their Dalhousie review manifesto that cultural studies practitioners are “resisting intellectuals” who see what they do as “an emancipator project.” Because it erodes the traditional disciplinary divisions in most institutions of higher education.


“ Cultural studies is political engaged”
cultural critic see themselves as “ oppositional” not only within their own disciplines but to many of the power structures of society at large. They question inequalities within power structures and seek to disover modles for restructuring relationship many dominant and “minority” or “subaltern” discourses. Because meaning and individual subjectivity are culturally constructed , they can thus be reconstructed. Such a notion , taken to a philosophical extreme , denies the autonomy of the individual, whether an actual person or a character in literature , a rebuttal of the traditional humanistic “great man” or “great book” theory, and a relocation's of aesthetics and cultural from the idal realms of taste and sensibility, into the arena of a whole society’s everyday life as it is constructed.

“Cultural studies denies the separation of high and low or elite and popular culture .
Being a “cultured” person used to mean being acquainted with “highbrow” art and intellectual pursuits. Cultural critics today work to transfer the term culture today work to transfer the term culture to include mass culture, whether popular , folk , or urban.

“The practice of every life”
Studying literature as an anthropologist would, as a
Phenomenon of culture, including a culture’s economy,
Rather then determining which the “best” works are
Produced, culture clinics describe what is produced and
How carious productions relate to one another. They aim to
Reveal the political, economic reasons why a certain
Cultural product is move valued at certain times then

“Cultural studies analyze not only the cultural work, but also the means of production. Marxist critics have long recognized the importance of such par literary questions as these: who supports a given artist who publishes his or her books, and how are these books distributed? Who buys books? For those matters, who is literate and who is not? The impact upon reading such technical innovations as cheaper eyeglasses, electric lights, and trains; the book of the month club; and how writers and texts go through fluctuations of popularity and canonical. These studies help up recognize that literature does not occur in a space separate from other concerns of our lives.
      Cultural studies thus join subjectivity – that is, cultural in relation to individual lives- with engagement, a direct approach to attacking social ills.


  1. Hello Hetalba,

    When I was reading the last line of your writing; a question came into my mind.

    Do you think Popular Culture is a social ill? Please share your views. Thank you in advance.

  2. you have given enough description of each goal and I like third one in which you have explain that there is no difference in classic and popular culture.
