Friday 6 April 2012

Socio-Psycho analysis in Tara

Paper no:E-C- 202
Topic: Socio-Psycho analysis in Tara
Name: Gohil Hetalba
Roll No :5

Submitted To:
Dr .Dilip Barad
Department of English
Bhavnagar University


  “Tara”, is a play by Mahesh Dattani. This play is a family tragedy in which the members of the family are torn apart in pieces ‘Tara’ a tragic play, based on family relationship and gender discrimination that is totally disheveled and shattered because of Siamese twins Chandan and Tara who are to be considered as a scapegoat for Bharti and Mr. Patel, parents of two children.. Why did not she get two legs during the operation? Why did her mother favor the boy? Why did not Bharti favor Tara? These are the crux of the play.

    Sex and gender should be differentiated before going ahead. Sex is a biological term while gender is decided by social gospels and dogmas. Woman should behave like this and that, keep limit in her behavior. The social psychological bonds in ‘Tara’ lie at the zenith “of the discussion and argument. On one hand if we think for a while that all family members are suffering from gender discrimination, naturally, psychology of the characters is to be blamed. In his plays, Dattani takes on what he calls the ‘invisible issues of Indian society’. Now, here, we can observe Dattani’s use of those stereotypical roles of man and woman. This thing also shows the gender perspective of the Indian society.

These are stereotypical gender roles in own Indian society and Dattani makes full use of them. Another example, in which we can see this Indian Gender perspective. When Tara to Roopa about the conversation between father and son, she says that, 

“The men in the house were deciding on whether they were going to hunting while the women looked after the caves.”

         Now, here, we can see explicitly the Indian Gender Perspective that man’s work for taking care of his family, where as women have to work only in the house. Her work is to look after her house, husband and children. This is her world. She can’t break this rule.

Mr. Patel: “I was just thinking… It may be a good idea for you to come to the office with me.”

         So, here, we can see that these above words of Mr. Patel represent the male-dominance of Indian society. Mr. Patel says to join the office to Chandan, not to Tara.

Bharti’s dialogues are so long that symbolizes those women who cannot justify their argument. They keep speaking. It suggests that women are not to be focused on. Society does not give even little respect and honors to them. Roopa’s language is frequently abusive, satirical and absurd. She stands for society
 Another example in which we can see the disappeared female gender identity. Dan talks with himself, he utters…

“What is Tara?”
   These words question where is Tara’s identity? Her disappeared identity shows her helplessness. The responsible thing for this is male-dominant society. She is the victim of the patriarchal society. In a way, Chandan is responsible for that.
    Because during the operation Bharati and her father favored boy and told the doctor to save the boy. This shows the cruel identity of the Indian society.

It indicates Tara is going to be more and more tragic. One will remember that climax of the drama, Bharti is ready to give her own kidney because she loves very much and then Tara’s reply is very much sarcastic and mordant, ironical and so much symbolic that becomes everyone’s sentence,

“Because you love me so much.” 

Does Bharti love her much? Is the question and answer in disguise? Where was her love when she gave birth to conjoined children? This makes Tara mentally broken and conquered. She is so much fragile and natural that is easily affected by emotions

Tara: “That’s okay. I can handle them.”

 Dattani has shown Tara physically challenged, but mentally strong. Mahesh Dattani has presented an analysis of gender identity in an unbelievable way in “Tara


  1. "Tara's physical disability is the reason for her mental disability." Do you agree with the statement or not? Please share your views. Thank you in advance.

  2. Hello,Hetalba
    You have explain very well that how Tara is suffering because of both. I really like Your sentence that it is stereotype gender role in own Indian society.
